Monday, September 22, 2008

apparently i'm 13 again.

i shut my blog down for a day. i had a frustrating friday/saturday, and just decided i was over the whole "blogging" thing. i think it's the adult 21st century equivalent of furiously ripping pages out of a diary, only to regret it later. luckily, nothing was damaged in my protest against the world.

but then i had that amazing dream about being in jail. and even if there are only 5 people who read this, it had to be shared. i couldn't keep that to myself.

some more things i can't keep to myself:

i only slept about 3 hours last night, because of an impending sinus infection. this isn't anything remarkable. i spend most of the winter with a cold. what's great about it is that i get to take nyquil again. i was out last night, so i had to suffer through it. even the fact that i love nyquil isn't news. but today when i went to buy more, i discovered...nyquil PILLS. i'm sure they've been around, but i've been downing the liquid. it was always worth it. even though the taste made me want to vomit. but as soon as the drowsiness set in...mmm. so worth it. but i bought pills today, which means i'll be sleeping like a baby tonight. (i can't remember...have i mentioned how misleading that statement is? because a lot of babies don't sleep well...) and with no "cherry" aftertaste.

also, i bought gas today. i was determined not to buy gas until i actually needed any, because that's the logical thing to do. on my way to work, there was gas in the stations. on my way out of work, i noticed some of them were empty again. so i knew i had to buy some for myself, even though i had half a tank left. because i don't think it will last until the weekend.

it's too bad that only 5 people read this, because nashville needs to are all crazy. the only reason there's no gas is because you're all insane. gas ran out because you all went to buy it on the same day. and not only did you fill up your cars when you were nowhere near empty, you filled up extra cars, and extra containers. so of course gas ran out.

friday afternoon when one of the kids in my class got dropped off a couple hours late, her mom explained that it was because she drove around for an hour and a half looking for gas. if you have enough gas to drive around for an hour and a don't need to be buying any more of it.

it's not going to get any better until people start thinking reasonably again. just pause, and think to yourself "hmm, i wonder why nashville is the only city with this problem? i wonder why the surrounding cities are fine? even the cities that were actually struck by a curious..."

it's because of you.

originally i emphasized my points with capital letters, but i just changed it to italics. i'm not saying these things light-heartedly, or in jest. i'm very serious. but i don't want to be too harsh either. after all, i bought gas today even though i didn't need to.

1 comment:

Val and Steve said...

Um, so, if you threaten to shut down your blog again (or if you actually do it and I actually notice) I will be emotionally affected.

Yeah. So there.