Wednesday, April 7, 2010

yay or nay.

i haven't had the internet for almost 2 weeks.

oh. man.

there are things i actually need the internet for.

i had to call my mom and give her my bank info so she could pay a bill online for me. i pay my bills online. i also had a million errands to run to unfamiliar places, so i had to call her and get directions. i kept thinking of things to look up online when i get off work, and then remembered...nope. can't do that. argh. i wasn't even thinking about facebook or youtube. or my blog. i was thinking about looking up the best routes to travel for my commute, and things like that. i know what you're thinking. but why would i BUY a map, when i can look it up on the internet?

oh, internet. i missed you.

so here are the scattered updates:

- i MOVED. i'm very excited about this move. there's no traffic outside my window waking me up an hour before my alarm clock. there is a laundry machine, right over there. for me to use at will. without quarters. children run in the street. dogs bark. my floor is wooden. there's a human above the age of 2 for me to talk to every day. almost everything i do after work is 2 minutes from me. instead of 20.

- 2 days ago i finished reading about the house of representatives in the federalist papers. 1 day ago, i learned that someone at my church is running for a seat in congress. i just like the timing of that. and i want to jump up and down and clap my hands out of excitement for him. but i don't think people in congress like that. it's UnSerious. oh man, are the 2 year olds rubbing off on me?

- i have been making myself a fantastic dinner all this week. green bean salad. listen to this. green beans, red onions, tomatoes, kalamata olives, feta cheese. with a side of avacado for fun. and some kind of fruit. and today is mango wednesday!

- i turned 26.

- i got a visit from one of my best friends, and got to meet his new wife. i like her. fun fact: this friend is a fan of nicknames. he was always trying to come up with one for me, and other people. within minutes of meeting his wife, she asked if she could call me allie. i'm so glad they're married!

- i was going to put up a few quotes from the federalist papers that made me happy and angry, but i'll save that for when i finish it.

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