Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the pendulum swings.

my big evaluation at work is on thursday. i can't believe it's already time to do this again. i have moments where i remember God's obvious presence last year, and relax. other moments where i hear rumors about my boss's scheming that piss. me. off. other moments when i'm afraid. overwhelmed. stressed. lots of pessimism. and i get annoyed with the children for not knowing how to act like adults, because for some reason that's what is required of them. oh, and then there's the bitterness that you may have just heard in that statement.

i just remembered something nice, though. one time at church this person read from a book about sheep and shepherds. i think it was written by a shepherd. he wrote something about how the sheep would freak out, and panic. but the moment the shepherd showed up they'd calm down. he wouldn't even talk or do anything, all they needed was his presence. his being there.

how true, how true. that's all i need.

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