Saturday, May 30, 2009

i want free things too.

i mentioned that once a week i'm going to cook something i've never made before. last night was my first experiment.

i'm not a bad cook, but this is going to make me sound like a bad cook.

i made chicken stuffed with spinach and goat cheese.

i know. how good does that sound.

i was supposed to mince some garlic to mix with the spinach. but i had to toss the garlic because...i don't know how to mince! i watched a youtube video demonstration (yes...i did), but i couldn't make it happen. the garlic stuck to my hands, and i don't think i have a good enough knife. and i'm fairly certain you're not supposed to eat chunks of garlic, because that would taste like feet. so i had to toss it.

the spinach turned out fine, though. i's spinach. that's not complicated. i love to chop things, so that was a real treat.

i managed to cut the little pockets into the chicken and stuff them ok.

it didn't cook right. it's done. it's just not good.

this will not deter me. i will make it again sometime in the future, and it will be better. i don't know what i'll be making next week.

BUT this whole experience reminded me of my biggest pet peeve. (i just typed "my most major pet peeve." what did i think i was saying?)

wedding showers. i'm ok with wedding showers. what i'm not ok with is that married people are the only people who are showered with the gifts they need to start a new life. i'm single, and that's fine. i'm not jealous of the marraige part. but i am jealous of the free pots and pans part. because i need those things too. but i can't afford to buy them. i've been out of college 3 years, and i just recently bought a full set of tupperware. until now, i've just been putting foil over bowls in the fridge. and i don't have a large mixing bowl, so when i have to mix things...i have to split everything up and mix it in separate cereal bowls. my baking trays are so cheap that almost everything burns on them. and on, and on.

i live a pretty simple lifestyle anyway, so i make it work. i don't use my heat in the winter. i don't have a/c in my car because i think it would be a waste of money to fix on a car with 201,000 miles. (passed that landmark this week...) so it's not like i'm suffering. i'm just saying...i'd love me some sharp knives and measuring cups that don't rust.

weddings are celebrations. showers are appropriate.

i think we should throw them for single college graduates. i could have used all that stuff just as much as a newlywed couple. (still could...) and graduations are celebrations too.


Sarah said...

I am totally going to buy you some of that stuff for the next gift-giving occasion.

And also...minced garlic. I never actually buy garlic cloves. If you look the produce section on one of the end-caps (at wal-mart at least..) they have little jars with minced garlic. It makes it way easier! :)

I am Mexico. said...

Sounds like you need to get into yard-sale hunting, Al. I bet you could find a bunch of pots/pans/tupperware if you find some good yard-sales. Actually, I could see you really getting into that. What do you think?

i'mthechief said...

thanks for the tip sister.

i'm not just mentioning this for myself. i think there are a lot of college grads who would benefit from people giving them showers. i could go look at yard sales, sure. but that only helps me. why should all single people have to scavenge for what they need? this is making me sound like i'm against marraige or something, i'm not. haha. or that i think married people are spoiled. no. it should be celebrated. i just think single people are overlooked, and shouldn't be. more people should be saying "your life is worth celebrating too."

i'mthechief said...

oh, and i forgot to say...

when my sister sarah got married, she gave me a couple boxes full of her old dishes (plates, bowls, etc)and skillets, which i'm still using. so i'm definately thankful for that. if she hadn't, i'd have nothing.

the cheap trays that burn everything, i bought myself. haha. her hand-me-downs are perfectly functional.

Unknown said...

amen! i've been saying that since april when i went to 4 wedding showers. i'm just like, these fools better still be around whenever i get married because 12 weddings in a year and a half is ridiculous!
