Monday, May 25, 2009

i should have painted my table.

my memorial day weekend:

saturday - i got my car fixed. it's been shaking and vibrating. i pretended nothing was wrong. i don't know why i do that. but it's fixed. it was the tires. or something. and THEN

i went to see "angels and demons" which was good. the book was really good. it was about how science and religion have been warring for centuries, but they shouldn't. they compliment each other quite nicely. unfortunately, in the movie, that message was lost a bit. they kept the "religion shouldn't be afraid of science" part of the story, but not the "scientists need to leave room for mystery" part of the story. in the book, there's actually a scientist who proves that creation could have happened the way the Bible says it did. and then he dies because of it. that happens on page one, so i'm not spoiling anything.'s a great book.

sunday - i read a lot of anna karenina, which i posted about yesterday. no need to rehash. i went to ugly mugs, and taught sunday school. which was not good. they don't listen to me. it's so not the right place for me. only one more sunday! i think. maybe two.

monday - ahhh. monday. i almost went to the horseshoe tournament thing, but then that will be noisy, and i never get to have quiet mondays. the children scream so much. so, so much. so i de-cluttered parts of my apartment. i watched daytime television. i went to see "ghosts of girlfriends past." i felt glad that hollywood captured romantic cynicism again. i'm going to write down a bunch of recipes on notecards, which may not sound awesome...unless you're a nerd and like to write things down, and organize them. yay.

and i just made a decision. once a week, i'm going to cook something new that i've never made before. i like to chop things. and i like to try new things, not just food related. but definately food related. so there's that. a new year's resolution. or whatever.

some pictures from d.c. to remember memorial day:

my grandpa and uncle both served in the armed forces.

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