Saturday, February 28, 2009

i think i need to yell more.

i remember why i stopped going to so many bruin basketball games.

when you subconsciously view each game as a battle between good and evil, as i do, they become a bit of an emotional investment.

it's kind of exhausting.

i yelled. a lot.

and it felt good.

this is such a weird part of my personality. i'm not a sports fan. i keep up with two teams in the whole world: the belmont bruins men's basketball team, and the texas a&m football team. that's it. i care about no one else's team. i can't even tell you who played in the superbowl this year.

so writing blog posts about how i am physically and mentally exhausted after just watching a basketball game, leaves you with a really warped impression of me.

but that is what i did today. i watched two basketball games. women's and men's.

every other day of the year i am a relatively calm person. but when i go to basketball games, i scream a lot. and i think that's because i don't get to scream about ANY of the things i really want to scream about in my daily life. that's not what adults to. adults suppress their emotions and let people walk all over them. wait, that's not right. but i haven't figure out what is right yet...

so i screamed a lot today.

i screamed when they were 20 points behind, and closed that margin to 10 points behind.

i screamed when they fell 10 points behind again.

i screamed when they came within 3 points of being tied, and fell behind again.

i screamed when they tied the game in the last second, and had to go to overtime.

i screamed while they held their lead.

i screamed when they lost the game by two points.

i like screaming.


i went to the women's game, which i don't normally do. i think their games are kind of boring. they move slower. they aren't as agressive.


give me something to scream about...

so i made a couple videos. the first one is at the women's game. you can see the mostly empty stands, and though it's noisy...all you hear is the team members yelling. no one in the audience, really.

and then the opening minute of the men's game...very different. full stands. people screaming, people dancing, people cheering.

loud, yes.

it was 10 times louder later in the game. it was really dramatic.


p.s. the women won their game.

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