Tuesday, August 10, 2010

i ain't no al pacino.

i am terrible at describing things. terrible. whether it's physical pain or a sunset, i can't do it very well.

usually when i have a car problem, i call my dad and he has to work very hard to understand what's wrong. "i don't know, it just sounds weird. like...not the way it should sound. just weird, ok."

come along as i walk you through my internal dialogue on the commute back from work today.

"that...is a weird noise. really weird. what is that. i've never heard anything like that before. not from a car. man, i'm going to have to call my dad and ask him what he thinks. but then he always asks me what it sounds like, and i can never tell him. i have to figure out something to say before i call him. which really should come before any phone call, to anyone, now that i think about it. ugh, that is so weird. it's just on the right side. good! very good! that's probably helpful to know. what does he usually ask? does it sound like it's scraping? no. it does not. what other words are used to describe car noises? squeaking. it's not squeaking. or squealing. this is GOOD. so good. no scraping, squeaking, or squealing. it sounds like air is escaping from something. but..no. it's not. because i've had a couple flat tires, and i KNOW what that sounds like. and feels like. there is nothing wrong with my tires. or my car, really. it's driving fine. SPUTTERING. thats another word. it's not sputtering either. here's a stop light...hm. it's still making that noise...now i'm moving again. it's not louder. so, it is not connected to acceleration or the gas. this is great. of me. not my car. what is that noise?? like something leaking. but not really. it also sounds...watery. like something is leaking air and water at the same time. on the right side. wait. hold on. heh. it's my water bottle."

all that progress for nothing.

other things i can't describe:

the feelings that hit me HARD as i visited the supertones website today. i was looking for something specific that you wouldn't know to look for. i found it. you know that phrase "it hit me like a ton of bricks." that's the closest thing i can think of. but it wasn't bad, or good. i actually pushed myself away from the computer for a minute.

now i'm revisiting their old albums, which i guess i haven't listened to in a long time. longer than i thought.

because i also can't describe what the phrases "all right supertones let's rock" and "add two speakers and a microphone" do to me.

they were more than just a band i listened to. they were distant acquaintances. role models. teachers. influencers. the supertones period of my life encompasses more than music.

i would post lyrics or videos, but you won't know what to feel. or remember. it's weird how feelings can just hit a person. like a ton of bricks.

1 comment:

Emily said...

hahaha I seriously laughed out loud when I got to the water bottle part. also, I was highly amused because I have been waiting 2-3 months to tell dad something is not right with my car because of all the things you described. seriously. and he was like "well what does it sound like? is it squeaking?" uggghhh hahah.