Friday, August 6, 2010


that's from failblog.

things i do not like about august:

- it is the hottest month. i am from texas, and i am used to hot weather. so it's not a shock to my system or anything. but that doesn't mean i enjoy being hot. i hate being cold. i don't hate being hot. but i don't enjoy humidity, or being unable to escape the heat. where i'm from, we have pools. free. pools. you don't have to be a member of a gym to go swim somewhere. each neighborhood has one. that's how you deal with august. but here...there's no way to deal with it.

- because it's so hot, my computer is loud, and slow. it doesn't like being hot.

- a new complaint: i can't exercise at a convenient time, like right after work, because i'd die.

- the children can't go outside. do you know what happens to children when you lock them in a room with each other for 9 hours? bad things. bad things happen.

things i do like about august:

- tomato art festival.


something happy:

- i just remmebered that earlier i thought "i should listen to some muddy waters later."

so i'm going to go do THAT.

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