Monday, June 14, 2010

i'd still prefer that no one chase me.


the history:

i tried this running plan a year or so ago, and it was miserable. i didn't feel too bad that day (even though i wasn't able to complete the entire first workout), but the next day i had a migraine. i remember laying on the floor at work, unable to move. i barely made it to the store to get medicine without puking.

i gave that up real quick.

if you've ever had a migraine, you understand why i wouldn't want to repeat that 3-4 times a week.

but a couple months ago i walked a half-marathon. and i thought...if i can walk 13.1 miles, surely i can learn to run one.

i like challenges. i like new experiences. i like learning things.

so i've been doing that for a few weeks.

and it's FUN. terrible, terrible fun. i've learned the running secret. it sucks. but then when you're done, it feels amazing.

don't misunderstand. i'm not running a mile yet. i'm learning. someone showed me this plan online, and i've been doing it. it's great. the best part, for me, is that i WANT to keep doing it. it's not just that i'm doing it to be healthy, or i'm doing it because running is cool. neither of those things would keep me going for long. the charm would fade. but not long after i finish each workout, i actually look forward to the next one. and if i go down a new street, or see a new park, i think "that looks like a fun place to run." what a weird, alien thought. for me.


it's a plan to run a 5k, but i'm just using it to learn how to run. if i feel strong enough, i might do one in august. but i'm definitely not going to rush through it.

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