Wednesday, June 16, 2010

eye on the prize.

a blog i read about politics and government posted this jon stewart clip today. it's really good, and worth the 8 minutes. it's a great summary of everything i've been learning about lately. issues that i never thought much about before, but have been reading a lot about this year.

and noooo, i do not normally go to jon stewart for my news. the only reason i'm sharing this is because there aren't that many jokes.

i am not an obama hater. i won't listen to any nonsense about "he's not even american!" or "he wants to make america a muslim country!" or anything like that. if you want to discuss obama with me, it can only be about political issues. sometimes i like his decisions, sometimes i don't. i do not agree or disagree completely with any political candidate or person in office. the only person i could agree with completely is Jesus Christ. i also don't think it's possible for someone to be wrong about everything.

but this is about some pretty blatant broken campaign promises.

civil liberties. IMPORTANT.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Respect My Authoritah
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

in other news:

- i talked to my 2.5 year old niece on the phone today. didn't understand most of it. still smiled a lot.

- i have given myself reading assignments, so i can finish more books. this sounds like a punishment, but i am quite thrilled.

- there's much drama at work. not the kind that makes me paranoid about losing my job, just the kind that makes it hard to go to work. my coworkers are pretty negative people. lieing to each other, and about each other. all day long. complaining. manipulating. it can be exhausting. and hard not to complain myself. i left work today worried about what i'm going back to tomorrow. but i'm going to bed remembering that my identity is in Christ. it doesn't matter if they hate me for fake reasons. it doesn't matter if they gossip about me. it's a good place to rest.

- tonight at church we discussed "adoption." i remembered that my dad is adopted. it's interesting to listen to a message about adoption with that in mind. my grandparents are full of love for him, and us. and i also remembered that they are close to celebrating 70 years of marraige. 70. years. because of adoption, that is my heritage. when i tell people about how that's coming up, i don't say "they're going to celebrate 70 years. but they're not my real grandparents, so it's not that big of a deal to me." because of adoption, i'm proud of them. they're my grandparents. i've never felt that we aren't REALLY family.

so that made me think about how incredible it is that i REALLY do belong to Christ, and it's not pretend. it's a REAL relationship. His Father, is my Father. His inheritance is my inheritance. complete. full. family. real family.

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