Saturday, June 28, 2008

that music is a little loud, son.

i'm losing so many things. i'm wondering if that's because i am aging.

i mentioned last week that i lost part of my Bible. (1 Peter 4 and 5, if you forgot because you're old too).

last night i needed to comb my hair, and i couldn't find my comb even though it never leaves the bathroom. eventually i found it on the bathroom floor...

this morning i couldn't find my cell phone. which sent me into a panic.

and i went to run errands today and forgot my list. that one really pissed me off because i love lists. actually i think i DID remember it, but i stuck it on top of a movie i was returning to blockbuster. so now the blockbuster kids know i need toilet paper.

i'm wondering if the next phase of this "getting older" thing is the one where i drive down the interstate with my blinker on.

this is all so sad, because my memory has been so perfect up until now. my first semester at college, i didn't even write down when my assignments were due because i just remembered. the only reason i started writing them down was because the day i named "syllabus day" came to be my favorite day every semester. the day i went through my planner and wrote down when everything was due... from every crisp, new syllabus...all in one sitting.

sigh. i loved syllabus day.

side note: i don't usually call attention to my post titles because i like to leave them cryptic, but this one is a quote from my best friend ashley. one time when we were at the ripe age of 19 or 20, we were stopped at a traffic light. this car full of youngsters pulled up with their music so loud that our car was vibrating. ashley, ever so calmly, looked over and said "that music is a little loud, son." (with the windows still rolled up, of course). i think that's the moment our friendship went from "awkward-roommates-because-we-just-met" to "best-friends-forever", because we were laughing at it for an hour.


Ford said...

I've got bad news, Allison. According the wikipedia, the stages of aging go: development of intense fear of insects, memory loss, incontinence, leaving the blinker on, development of intense fear of robots, death. You should go ahead and invest in some depends before you have to throw out half of your wardrobe. The lower half.

i'mthechief said...

i. miss. you.

Olavarria said...

hola soy claudia de argentina. muy lindas fotos