Wednesday, June 25, 2008

you can't understand.

let me start by saying that i love my parents very much.

my sisters called to warn me that my mom signed up for a facebook account, so we briefly thought about creating fake accounts and realized it wouldn't work.

anyway, that conversation led me to discover that i made a huge misstep, and i think my mom found my old blog address.

i hope you see that since my sisters called to warn me, there are other people in the world who feel this way about my's not just me. they also told me that my mom's best friend told her not to get facebook, that she couldn't handle what she'd find there. but she did it anyway.

she doesn't know that we know.

i know it sounds crazy....a 24 year old hiding her blog from her parents...especially when i don't write about anything scandalous.

you don't know my parents. there's so much that they don't approve of. i can't do much without them telling me i'm a disappointment to God, or that my behavior isn't honoring to Him.

oh the stories i could tell.

i'm not kidding around. when i changed to a PCA church from southern baptist (reformed theology, holla!) mom told me i needed to make sure to still tell my children about Jesus, and that she hoped i still knew Jesus was important.

i can't fight that kind of madness, so i have to hide everything.

i will tell a story. so that you know how crazy my parents are.

one time when i was in high school, i had AOL. dark times.

i got this weird e-mail from what appeared to be AOL claiming there was a problem with my account and i needed to send them my email address and password right away. i thought...hmm...that seems weird. so i called for my mom. and she said to give them my address and password.

a week or so later i went to a ROCKIN' steven curtis chapman concert (that was sarcasm, by the way...), and i got home, and my parents were acting really weird. they wanted to have a talk with me...


they said our family's AOL account had been shut down, because a lot of pornography had been sent out from MY email address.

we were having this conversation alone, because they thought it was me.

the first thought in their head wasn't "i wonder how that happened! allison loves Jesus! allison doesn't let us down! allison isn't an idiot, allison makes good decisions..." but..."we need to talk to allison about her porn addiction."

we never got that far because i said "oh i guess thats what that email was was a scam!" and they looked relieved.

so, that's my parents. no logic. no sound reason. just constantly assuming that i'm doing something sinful, even when i'm not.

so, i have a new blog.

i have some deeper thoughts about this, but i'll save it.

let me just add that i hate this. because i love them, and i don't want to hide things from them. but this is how i keep the peace. no fights about how piercing my nose would be a ticket to hell, or how God shuns me (like the amish) when i see certain movies, or that the wine my church uses at communion is a gateway drug.


Unknown said...

sucks you had to switch again :(

theBobcatBite said...

you ARE lane!!!

i'mthechief said...

oh my gosh. you're so right. i mean that's what all the quizzes say, but it's for real.