Wednesday, December 23, 2009

day two.

today's highlights:

- my little sister says "happy Christmas adam" the day before Christmas eve, and apparently, i'm the only loser who needed that explained to them.


- when people go "home" they usually have deep thoughts about how everything is the same.

i am always surprised by how many changes take place. i have absolutely no idea how to work my parents' microwave or oven. no idea. they even showed me once, and i still can't figure it out. when i went to get water out of the refrigerator door, it spilled all over the floor because it came out of a place i did not expect.

they always have little remodeling projects going on. apparently, all those years with children around were holding them back. they're ready to get back to their own lives now that they have a mostly empty nest.

- one of my high school friends has lost over 100 pounds. awesome!

- i am so allergic to houston.

- cable tv has so much programming. how do i ever pass the time without it? (stay tuned for my end of the year book report...a list of all the books i read this year...)

- i've actually become more out of tune with our culture of technology than my own parents. they have a DVR. my mom has a laptop. i don't. my dad has an iphone. i don't even have an ipod.

- i am going through a surprise phase. i just went to dinner with a friend, and told her not to tell me where we were going. i hope this is not just a phase, but a new lifestyle.

- our dog, angel, is blind. "was angel excited to...sense you...when you got here?"

Christmas eve awaits.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha i love how you included me twice in this.
