Saturday, July 4, 2009


for a few years now there has been a 4th of july that stood out in my memory as "the best." i spent a summer away in an exotic location...

tonight is hard to describe, but was one of those "read anna karenina at the parthenon, while watching the rain and listening to a violin play" kind of nights. so it takes first place now.

too many details will mess up the image i want to record.

it rained really hard. the words "torrential downpour" come to mind. we just happened to be at LP field, which is a structure that screams "nashville." so we huddled under some awnings there. watched the fireworks really, really close overhead. and there was one couple, sitting in their lawnchairs, with their umbrellas. who felt no need for shelter. they sat in the wide open space and watched. if i had brought my camera, it would have been the best photograph i've ever taken.

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