Saturday, May 22, 2010

well, what must be must.

today's accomplishments:

i balanced my checkbook before i even went to the bathroom this morning. i woke up with a purpose, apparently.

i did laundry, including my bed sheets.

i went to the art fest. i enjoyed wandering around in the fresh air. and looking at art.

i went to a new coffee place today to read. i read 40 or so pages of "kidnapped" by robert louis stevenson.

i gave my smoothie maker a little scrub to rid it of dust because it's SUMMER. it's smoothie time.

good parts of my week:

live music. chelsey scott. crystal thomas. an unexpected evening of LIVE MUSIC. my favorite kind of music.

an arrested development viewing with acquaintances. laughter.

all i can think about:

our hot water heater is broken again.

things are weird at work because of the firings.

relationships: fight or flight? fight or flight?


Unknown said...

I say fight. Doesn't always work out how I'd like, but somehow it seems worth it. Most of the time.

muzic_gal said...

what coffee place?