Sunday, November 15, 2009


my night vision is not so good.

tonight i saw a guy walking down the street carrying what i thought was a boombox. like in the 90's. turns out, it was a case of beer. i was disappointed.

and a different night i thought i saw a bride and groom walking down the street. but it was just someone carrying a large, white, trash bag.


i am so angry with my subconscious self.

there are only a few ways a 25-year-old single girl can deal with the fact that she's single and doesn't want to be.

she can totally lose her mind, stalk a guy, make him feel uncomfortable, and cry a lot.

she can "take it to the cross", gaze at Christ, and remember He is captivating, satisfying, and lovely. she can remind herself that she is more than ok, she is loved by God.

that is, of course, the best method.

i usually choose to ignore the desire all together. i am such a robot, you have no idea. if i meet a guy i like, i talk myself out of the crush within a week. successfully. you don't believe me, because you can't do it. but i can.

the one flaw with this gift is that i have not yet discovered how to control my dreams. ugh. last night i dreamed i got engaged. UGH. and it was, like, enjoyable or whatever. but then, you know, i woke up.

hey self: suppress what i tell you to suppress!

however, the night before i had a more awesome dream. both of these were the result of cold medicine. i have the best dreams on cold medicine. so lucid.

so this other dream was about the end of the world. oh yeah.

a few friends and i developed this indestructible pod thing, and all climbed inside when it started flooding, which we knew was a clue that the world was ending. we even had glass windows to look through, and watch all the people drowning (sorry?), and even those did not get broken.

but then we were floating by all these people eating dinner. people i know! people from church, people from college. none of them cared at all that the world was ending. i was like "thats weird." all those people i respected thought nothing was amiss.

so we kept floating along.

and eventually a desert. then we realized "crap. the world did not end. it was just a flood. now we're stuck in the desert." but, we also discovered that someone had put a million dollars in our pod, because they knew it wasn't really the end of the world, and we'd need some money to get back when we figured it out.

~ the end ~

how many of your dreams have plots and conclusions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

true story:

first time i went to first baptist i met this nice guy there that i talked to at lunch (among several other people) and sometime that week i dreamed that i married him. it happens.
