Monday, June 13, 2011


the second republican debate was tonight. apparently i wasn't in the right kind of mood for it. instead of taking notes like last time, i found myself scribbling nonsense.

if i had twitter...this is what it would have said for the past couple of hours.
pawlenty can dish it but he can’t take it.

don’t talk to ME about the constitution.

bachmann says crazy things. not “ron paul” crazy. just crazy.

shameless cnn plug. SHAMELESS. you should be ashamed.

ron paul is in his own little world. his talking points are from another planet. it’s called REALITY. if we make it through the night without him using the word “obamacare” i’m going to cry tears of joy.

i don’t see jobs as the most important issue in our country. lack of jobs is a symptom of other problems.

santorum just referred to “innovation” as something this country should build on. which is what obama said during the state of the union. MINUS TEN POINTS.

pawlenty said something i agree with. we tell the government what to do, not the other way around. preach. someone tell the government to stop reading my blog.

I’M WITH COCO. how hard is that to say, santorum?

my organic lowfat yogurt strawberry probiotic smoothie from trader joe’s didn’t come with instructions. am i supposed to shake this thing or not?

i just went to look something up on wikipedia and accidentally typed “wikileaks.” heh.

didn’t godfather’s pizza go bankrupt? well, it’s not around. sketch.

i do not personally support the space program at this moment in history. that seems like an insane way to spend money when you don’t…have any.

someone needs to ask a question about the unjust wars we’re waging all over the world. if i was in the crowd, i’d be a heckler.

why doesn’t anyone ever poll me?

social security. here we go. i want my money. give me my money.

bachmann – just compared obama and bush. well now i might pay attention to what she has to say.

separation of church and state?? i didn’t realize this debate was taking place in LEFT FIELD.

cain won’t appoint a muslim. i won’t vote for cain. decision made. this is where republican candidates lose me and other swing voters. be rational, or you’ll lose the election. you lose a lot of people…right here. if you want to win the election…stop talking about muslims like this. you will lose if you don’t stop.

the candidate who says being pro-life includes views of war may get my vote…something about a consistent view of pro-life…anyone…bueller…anyone…

immigrant lady seems to not be a fan of immigration. she’s certainly assimilated well into america.

“…i wouldn’t start a war in libya, i’d stop bombing yemen…” somebody get me a ballot.

“do you agree with congressman paul that we should stop bombing yemen, with targeted attacks on al qaeda operatives, or do you agree with president obama, a democrat, who authorized the attacks?” – my favorite question of all time.

things you should not do during a debate: paraphrase your grandmother.

can i vote for the guy in the audience asking why we have military bases all over the world? who’s that guy?

ron paul 2012.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is why you should tweet...