Saturday, January 1, 2011

thirty one.

my goal for 2010 was to read more books than i read last year. last year i read 30, this year i read 31. so maybe i didn't smash my record, but that wasn't my goal. i would have been utterly humiliated to fail. here is the list.

i haven't looked at all the titles together until now. heavy reading, light reading, funny books, serious books, stupid books, books i'm ashamed to have read, books i'll never read again, books i have to read's all there.

1. Twilight - Stephenie Meyer
2. New Moon - Stephenie Meyer
3. Eclipse - Stephenie Meyer
4. Breaking Dawn - Stephenie Meyer
5. Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte
6. What Everyone Should Know About Economics and Prosperity - Gwartney and Strowp
7. The Art of War - Sun Tzu
8. Doctor Faustus - Christopher Marlowe
9. The Federalist Papers - Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay
10. Everything Is Illuminated - Jonathan Safran Foer
11. Kidnapped - Robert Louis Stevenson
12. The Princess Bride - William Goldman
13. Till We Have Faces - C. S. Lewis
14. The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer
15. Animal Farm - George Orwell
16. Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
17. When Helping Hurts - Corbett and Fikkert
18. Killing Yourself to Live - Chuck Klosterman
19. Eat, Pray, Love - Elizabeth Gilbert
20. The Phantom of the Opera - Gaston Leroux
21. The Year of Living Biblically - A.J. Jacobs
22. Player Piano - Kurt Vonnegut
23. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
24. The Road to Wigan Pier - George Orwell
25. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner - James Hogg
26. Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis
27. Perelandra - C.S. Lewis
28. That Hideous Strength - C.S. Lewis
29. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
30. God's Politics - Jim Wallis
31. Three Men In A Boat - Jerome K. Jerome

my favorites:

The Federalist Papers. i can't even talk about how i felt reading this. we have veered so far from what the founders of this country wanted and set in place.

i also enjoyed reading four books by my favorite author that i've never read before. c.s. lewis. i have a major crush on his mind. so reading books of his that i've never read is a delight.

and animal farm was probably my favorite this year. it was just astounding to read. it's unsettling to find comparisons to our own government from that book. it's sick. just SICK. i highly recommend it. it's only 150 something pages, and very short pages at that. but it blew my mind, in a bad way. i want to shake some sense into everyone i know, and the only way i can do that is to get you to read it. so please do.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I like your list except for the beginning, I've read a fair amount on there including Animal Farm. Right now I am reading Franklin and Elenore and next up is Born to Run